Originally posted by Tony Love:
By the time I finished watching Passion I was ready to kill a Jew or two, then I realized that Jews were cool, so I watched Schindler's List and was ready to kill a Nazi. Nazi's aren't cool!
That is what a certin film is desined to do. Make you feel emotion,good or bad. Particularly if the film is a product of the director's own opinions and beliefs. But I say this:
Ignorance and stupidity(and evil) come in all forms. Whether that person is Jew or Nazi,black or white,red or green. It makes no difference. We are,first and formost just people. Nothing more. Everything else is only a name or lable we use to identify ourselves. And I do belive that God gave us free will to make our own decisions, as people and does not intend to control us all like robots. So,so what if Mel dislikes jews? I like him anyway. Because it is not my place to judge anyone, nor is it my place to judge a celebrity for making a mistake, and feel all angerd because I was a fan, like he owes me something. Mel Gibson owes nothing to no one, except his family, and those closest to him. I hope he gets the help he needs, and gets back on his feet,and I support him.