Originally posted by ronnierocketAGO:
You know, I would have been glad too saladbar...if he had gone into rehab BEFORE he was busted by the cops.

Look at Robin Williams, life-time narcotics addict or user in differing forms(including being a notorius cocaine user, a habit he apparently only broke when his pal and co-coke snorter John Belushi overdosed) who the rags claim has gone into rehab for booze. Did it take a DUI arrest to compel him?
True. Unfortunately it takes a big humiliation for SOME people to see the light. I hope Mel Gibson is sincere in his efforts and apologies.

Would he be seeking help if he wasn't embarrassed by the media? If this wasn't hurting his future films?

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it"