Well, you know how conservatives are always crying about the east coast media outlets? They're half-right.
Except its not the news. Fuck the news, the bias comes from certain outlets' own art sections. New York Times has film critics that are among the biggest pretentious fuckheads I've read that don't reside in France.
Now Rolling Stone....yeah, there is a reason why rock fans mostly don't take their reviews seriously anymore.
Remember, they shat on Floyd's WISH YOU WERE HERE. Now its on that silly list of theirs. :rolleyes:
BTW, I agree.....how Dark Side of the Moon wasn't higher, fuck if I know.
P.S. - "Stoner music?" I still know fuckheads that think both the movie and album of THE WALL is such a term. Really, I support public flogging of idiots. It should be on the ballot in November.