Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE]1) She married this man fully knowing what him and his family were all about. Yes he promised that he would "legitimize" the family business, but deep down she still knew what kind of people that they were.
All true. But I think through her love and faith in Michael, Kay really did believe he was NOT like the rest of the family and would succeed in changing the course of things. Of course several years and two children later she came to the realization that this would go on and on and therefore made the decision to NOT bring another innocent baby into that kind of life. It was the right decision for Kay. Maybe not for Michael, but it was for Kay.\

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[QUOTE] 2) Let's not forget that this took place in a different day then we are living in. We are thinking about this with a minset of todays world...
I'm not thinking about it with 'today's mindset', and never did. I am fully aware of the mindset of the times in which Kay and Michael lived. Which emphasizes that this would probably have been an extremely difficult decision for her to make...and one that she had to feel was the best one for her to follow through with it.

Speaking of 'mindsets', though...does anyone think, that had abortion not been a legal, commonplace and accepted form of birth control by the time this film was made, would this have even been written into GFII????


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.