I've read indepth about this "documentary", DJ, and besides the cheap shock effect of using a living and still-in-office President of the United States to get plenty of free publicity within global media.........I think its basically just a program, albeit made with European sensibilities of these times, that tried to answer this...

"What if President Bush was indeed killed by a Syrian-nationalist right now? What would the world situation be as a result?"

One conclusion I do agree with in this program is how that aside from "official" governmental apologies and letters of sadness from European governments, the populace in those nations either wouldn't care, or feel happy or "vindicated" in that regard.

Of course, the producers of this documentary base that idea from this thinking that Bush's supposed assasination would be conducted as Bush getting a taste of his own medicine, or whatever elitist snobbish Eurotrash mentality.

Me? I think the populace of those countries wouldn't feel sorry, nor care at all, if Bush was killed. Why? Because they many truely feel that its the American's fault for this, that, blah blah blah. Besides, they hate him. I mean, I would actually dance in happiness if Castro fell down the stairs and broke his neck.

Aside from my problems with the documentary's apparent base matrix of logic and rationality, overall I don't have a problem with the doc's existence itself.

However DJ, I'm sure you agree with me in how some of the European political computations on Bush and America...is simply snobbery from fellow Western imperialists that simply aren't running the show anymore. I'm sure France and Britain would be doing the same things as the United States is now, if they were still imperial powers.
