Hey everyone -

I just got back, after spending an hour and a half with Plaw. I gave him a printout of this thread (15 pages worth!) for him to read at his leisure, and he appreciates all your concern and best wishes.

Luckily he was awake most of the time (those pain meds really conk you out). His eyes were closed when I first walked in, but after touching his hand he opened his eyes and showed me his big smile. I told him not to start talking like Genco and he laughed and said he was thinking about it - I told him not to blaspheme! (I only wish I thought to say, "I'm with you now, Pop; I'm with you" )

I told him "I know you probably didn't want a thread about this, but you got a lot of support. Hit me if you must." So, of course, he playfully did.

I think half the time we were making fun of how yappy his new roommate is, telling each guest (and nurse) the same stories about how he knew Sinatra's father and some relative being a boxer or something. Plus I now know this guy's entire medical history.

Anyway, despite some weight loss and the meds, and some problems swallowing and talking for too long, he's still got his sense of humor and wits about him. For the most part, he seemes pretty comfortable, which is the most important thing.

So thanks, and please keep him in your thoughts!

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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