Originally posted by AppleOnYa:
I don't think that would do it, DC.
I'll also add that while making friends online, one also opens oneself up to ridicule, hurt and insult that can just come about during the course of a conversation.
You known very well that any disagreements that members may have during debates, especialy political ones, NEVER carries over to our get togethers or gets in the way of friendships. Damn, look at Plaw and I! We've gone at it, back and forth for years, heated at times, be it over politics or about the way a fantasy league should be run. But we NEVER allowed those debates or disagreements, no matter how heated they may have become, to come between the friendship that we had. Whenever we would get together, even when he and I were together several days before he died, we would laugh, have fun, and just enjoy each other's company.
Can you sit there and sincerely tell me that when we all hung out in Somerset last year, or when we all had dinner together in Jersey, that you did not enjoy yourself and the company that you were in? I thought that you enjoyed yourself those evenings. You seemed to really enjoy the conversations that were taking place over dinner. I don't recall anyone insulting or ridiculing anyone else at those get togethers. All I recall was the fun, laughing, interaction and commoraderie that took place at those get togethers. If anything, as I said in an above post, those get togethers have solidified the friendships made on these boards, and have helped them develop into much deeper and sincere friendships.
I truly cannot understand why you feel that way. But your feelings are your feelings and at least you're honest about them. And I have to respect you for that.
Don Cardi