Don Raymonde Aprile – Marlon Brando
Don Vincenzo Zeno – Robert DeNiro
Mr. Pryor – Robert Duvall
Octavius Bianco – Al Pacino
Astorre Viola – Edward Norton (cool yet dangerous/flexible talent/needs to have green contact lenses though, lol)
Aldo Monza – Antonio Banderas (if you saw Assassin, you know why I chose him)
Don Craxxi – Joe Mantegna (originally from Chicago)
Kurt Cilke – Johnny Depp (just phenomenal as a cop/also amazing when temperamental)
Nicole – Catherine Zeta Jones or Salma Hayek
Rosie – Winona Ryder (gorgeous and can be dangerous = The Crucible meets Heathers

Georgette Cilke – Cameron Diaz
Aspinella Washington – Halle Berry
Marianno Rubio – Andy Garcia
Timmona Portella – Gastone Moschin (aka. Fanucci/hefty and dangerous)
Sturzo (Franky and Stace) brothers – Twins killed in Godfather III
John Heskow – Ralph Fiennes (for his German look/see him as Amon Goeth in Schindlers List)
Inzio Tulippa – Ed Harris
Director - FFC or Martin Scorcese
I just wish Miramax would be smart enough to cast my choices (or complete the film), hehehe.

Anymore suggestions/comments?