[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ricardo:
[QB]Vito=Don Clericuzio (Shame on me for forgetting the name)
Michael=(Loosely) Pippi DeLena, more likely Cross
Vincent=(Loosely) Dante
Fredo=Petie or Vincent( I forgot which one)
Luca Brasi=Lia Vazzi
Kay Adams= (Loosely) Athena
Tattaglia/Barzini/Cuneo/Stracci/Greene=(loosely) Santadios
Young Mary=Bethany (handicapped/Autistic)
Carlo=Jimmy Santadio
Great observation Ricardo. I had the same thought as regards to comparisons. The book was excellent. Lots of memorable characters and of course M. Puzo's style of story telling is flawless. Very detailed and interesting as ususal. Just finished reading the book yesterday and was going to ask about these comparisons. Were they on purpose?
Fredo = Vincent, hehehe

Petie did more action and was more vocal. I'd like to add the senator (forgot his name) and Geary. Pippi had the planning tactics of Michael (courage of Neri) and Cross his charm and being cool in streneous situations. Also, Dante a cross between Sonny and the attitude of Sally (turning against the family/in his case a relative). I haven't seen the film version of The Last Don. Its one of my to do list someday.