Originally posted by AllEyesOnChris:
At what point, after the events of GF II, does Michael decide to move The Family back to New York? Did he ever regain power in the city before handing it over to Zasa?
There is what? A twenty year or so gap between the end of Part 2 and the beginning of Part 3?
I don't believe we are ever even given a clue as to when during that period Michael moved back to NYC.

But even while in Vegas during Part 2, I don't think he had given up his power in NY.

Remember, he tells Pentangelli at their vegas meeting "Your family is still Corleone".

Even with Zasa "in control" in NY, I suspect that Michael was still "The Boss", and while he may not have been taking an active role in NYC affairs, Zasa was still cutting him in on the action.

"Difficult....not impossible"