not only the name of his "ally", but anything Verbal tells Kujan can be questioned wether made up or true, since we don't get to see a thing about what really happened, only the story as told by Verbal. Maybe everything was made up, it could well be since it's a given fact Verbal is a lyer and since he also set up the other 'usual suspects' in helping him with the heist(s), he could as well told a crap story to the cop investigator for fun or whatever his motives to play Kujan are. Only given facts, after the movie, are that $90 million is missing, Verbal Kint is a free man and he's not a gimp. The man we knew before as Kobayashi is his partner. The rest is just Verbal's Story, a masterpiece of writer Chris McQuarrie. It gives me a kick everytime I see it, like Memento and the Godfathers do.