Originally posted by J Geoff - The Don

PS It's understood that you can't include 30-something options, but 9 is too narrow! Where's Glengarry Glen Ross? Or Scarecrow, Dick Tracy, Devil's Advocate, Two Bits... etc etc??

You're absolutely right J Geoff.
Glengarry Ross was a foolish omission for which I have no excuse.

Of course I am guility of exercising some selectivity over Devil's Advocate ( which not everyone takes seriously ) and some of the lesser known movies.

But enough of my crawling - I admit it I made a mistake or two.

Interesting to see how far Scarface is leading
the pack. I wonder whether this is typical of
the general public if they were asked the same question, given we have a slight bias towards crime movies.

We live in a strange world when Pacino gets his
Oscar for Scent of A Woman - a performance/role that many people think is dwarfed by many other
fantastic performances. But as has been said before - who still believes the Oscars to be a fair measure of anything?

PS. Tell AL I'm sorry about Richard III
That was great too!!