
Serpico Frank Serpico - a brilliantly well played character that is a lot different from Pacino's usual, this is a rather quirky, juicy, honest, character, and done to absolute perfection. One of my favorite Pacino roles.

Dog Day Afternoon Sonny - all I say is that this is one of the best performances ever. That movie really left a big impact on me after I watched it, especially from the brilliant performance of Pacino (not to mention Cazale, of course).

Scarface Tony Montana - I never really liked Scarface but I can't deny Pacino's brilliance in this role, one of his best I'd say.

Sea Of Love Frank Keller - I haven't seen it, sorry. I've heard it's trashy but I'll take a look.

Scent Of A Woman Colonel Frank Slade - he deservedly won an Oscar for one of his greatest performances ever, as the blind colonel. His performance jumped out of the screen and affected me, for its sheer brilliance.

Carlito's Way Carlito Brigante - I've been meaning to see it...aah I'll get round to it

Heat Vincent Hanna - not one of his best, but pretty good.

Donnie Brasco Lefty Ruggerio - I haven't seen it for so long...

The Insider Lol Bergman - for a performance it was great, for a Pacino performance it wasn't much, but I personally believe that he didn't have THAT MUCH to work with.

Okay I narrow it down to:

  • Serpico
  • Dog Day Afternoon
  • Scarface
  • Scent Of A Woman

I narrow out Scarface, because of the fact I didn't like it much and I DO believe he has done better non-Godfather work. I am left with the other 3. I would PROBABLY narrow out Dog Day Afternoon, maybe because I feel the other 2 were SLIGHTLY juicier characters.
I am probably left with Scent Of A Woman and Serpico, and I would say...Scent Of A Woman. But after seeing what Pacino is capable you see he has no limits.

One of the greatest actors the world has ever seen.

Oh Revolution that was crap. Uhh what do you consider the worst Pacino movie (add in DeNiro too, if you want, I'm just wondering...)?


Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisioned
Only after the last fish has been caught

Then you will find that money cannot be eaten.