Originally posted by Harry:
[QUOTE]...young Vito's three killings in Corleone and Michael's against Fabrizio are vital to understanding the Corleones
No, they're not.

Because as entertaining as they are...we quite fully understand the Corleones from viewing the two films in original form, minus those scenes.
Their inclusion in The Godfather Saga is just icing on the cake.

In my opinion the ONE deleted scene which should have remained in The Godfather is when Bonasera is preparing for the meeting Don Corleone has requested. All the while he's wondering what horrible thing they want him to do...only to find Vito wants his 'massacred' son to be as presentable as possible for viewing.

I think it was a stirring contrast to Bonasera's original impression of the family, as depicted in the opening scene of the movie.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.