in the movie The Evil Dead in this one scene Ash`s sister stabs one of the people in the heal with a pencil and twists it and everything it was one of those scenes were you just cringe imagining what that would feel like. Not as much violent as it is gruesome.

Also in this one episode of The Shield Vic gets a corpse and props it in a chair and blows the head of with a shotgun, you see the blood,skull fragments, and brain on the wall.

Or the shootouts in 3000 miles to graceland.

Full Metal Jacket is really violent and stuff, Pile`s suicide, Hartman`s death, sniper shooting the 2 guys, and animal mother just blasting away.

Mr. Blonde: I don't give a good fuck what you know or don't know, I'm going to torture you anyway.

Joe: And you are Mr. Pink.
Mr. Pink: Why am I Mr. Pink?
Joe: Cause you're a ******, ok