I voted for Raging Bull. From what I've read the valid reasons on why many of you choose Travis Bickle is also due to the terrific script by Paul Schrader. I know...I know...De Niro improvised many things...and he did give one hell of a performance.

The difference to me is that as Jake La Motta De Niro does a lot of it from him as the source, while what's most memorable about Travis is due to the character writing. Don't get me wrong, Raging Bull was also a great script. But, if you just look at it from an "acting" perspective such as Method acting, gestures, taking on the behavior and appearance of the character...Jake La Motta gets the edge by a tiny bit. And as Turnbull said, and I believe also, Brando in "Streetcar..." and De Niro in "Raging.." are the 2 most intense and best performances in film.

This is all moot anyway. It's just my opinion, and I highly respect all of your opinions also! No one is wrong here.

-A Streetcar Named Desire-

Stanley: You want a shot? (offers liquor)
Blanche: No, I rarely touch it.
Stanley: There's some people that rarely touch it, but it touches them often.