Originally posted by Don Giorgio Gambino:
what six Godfather men and six Godfather woman would you like to see 24 hours a day and why . I personally don't think of a group in a moment, but I will know in a near future.
this was how it started.

how about we pick a new reality-tv-show?


on a pacific, desert island, Michael, Kay, Apollonia, Vincent, Al Neri, Gilligan (just kidding), Mama Antolini, Tom Hagen, Sonny and of course Fredo are stranded.

they have to work together to survive, but, in all fairness, none of these people are very social. so the intrigues begin....

KAY: ow look, it's an island!

APOLLONIA: Bella bella bella! (TRANSLATION: well, actually, it means she likes the looks of the island)

SONNY: and we're stuck here. and where are the hoolagirls?

VINCENT: I do no trust this mang, comon letsa getta out of here!

MICHAEL: No!, no, it seems as if we're alone out here. That means we are safe. I have killed a few cops lately so I was planning on taking a long vacation anyway.

FREDO: look, over there, that tree! [points]

MICHAEL: thank god, an orange tree! I already like the place

TOM HAGEN: Michael, we have a lot of business to do. We lack political power, I don't have mistresses, within a few years we loose all our strength...

SONNY: heya waita minute! baddabeep who ya talkin to, heah? to Michael? what I oughtta... am I not the boss here? pop had Genco, and look what I've gat!

MICHAEL: guys, guys, don't worry. we can argue this as reasonable men, can't we?

FREDO: what's argue?

SONNY: what is reasonable?

TOM HAGEN: I agree with Mike. we can discuss this over dinner. Kay, Apollonia, Mama Andolini..??

KAY: why you male chauvinist kraut-pig friend, what do you think we are, maids? slaves?

TOM HAGEN: I was hoping you gals could cook?

KAY: who the hell do you think you are, commanding us women that much?

TOM HAGEN: well, I am the consiglieri even though Sonny and Mike don't like it. something about wartime or something. anyway, go find some stuff to make us dinner.

APOLLONIA: Bella bella bella (TRANSLATION: Kay, we'll make Tom a pie made of orange oranges)

Kay smiles

TOM HAGEN: what did she say?

FREDO: you did not understand her?

AL NERI: Tom's Italian is terrible. He's not a wartime consiglieri. He's not Sicilian.

SONNY: dammit Tom, even Fredo got it

VINCENT: I did not understand it either

MICHAEL: that's because you look oddly a lot like a hispanic, instead of Italian

SONNY: baddaboop how do you call yourself my son, heah? Vincent!

MICHAEL: calm down Sonny. bunch of hotheads! listen, this is the plan: the women go find something to cook, while the men find a place to sleep at night. I will plan a major enemy-wipe out for the end of our stay here (a baptism or opera would help). And I warn you, brothers are not safe.

AL NERI: okay boss!

SONNY: don't be calling him no boss! I am pops oldest failure, you will be addresssing ME as the boss. I swear Neri if you ever say boss to Michael again, I'll kill ya!!!!!

and the survivors go on and try to make the best out of this horrible, and lonely situation, on a deserted island

what a cliffhanger....

SONNY: oh, Vinnie boy...take a dictionary. find out what reasonable means..