
After viewing Carlito's Way I started to respect Brian De Palma, and when I watched Scarface the deal was sealed.

Carlito's Way: Has one of the most mesmerizing shoot outs I have ever seen. Ok well that's not exactly true, but I was amazed at how much tension there was. The beginning of the film revealed the ending, but when the ending came it was indeed thrilling.

Scarface: The ending shoot out was also great. I didn't feel the same kind of tension, but it had many great lines and the spectacular(World Is Mine) Reference.

Now here comes my Question.

Was the ending in the train station in Untouchables as good as Scarface and Carlito's Way?

"I kill a communist for fun, but for a green card, I gonna carve him up real nice" Tony Montana(Al Pacino) from Scarface