Yeah I'm going for a list of serious movies - I'd forgotten about this post actually and now I look there are some really good replies. I added Carlito's Way because I thought that if I added The Untouchables, which is technically about a group of policemen, then Carlito's Way probably has as much right to be in the list. Anyway, here's a new draft of my list thanks to everyone else's comments:

The Godfather I, II & III
A Bronx Tale
Key Largo
Carlito's Way
Donnie Brasco
Mean Streets
Honor Thy Father
Murder, Inc.
The Valachi Papers
The Brotherhood
Scarface 1932
Al Capone
St. Valentine's Day Massacre
Death Collecter/Family Enforcer
Mob War
The Youngest Godfather
The Last Don I & II

BTW Has anyone seen "The Sicilian" with Christopher Lambert? Should that be included? I seem to remember the book having Michael Corleone in it but I've never seen the film.

"Just When I Thought I Was Out - They Pulled Me Back In....."