I just found a used DVD copy of Bronx Tale from Gamestop, still need to watch it.

Blow, however, is an excellent movie. It definitely defeats Scarface when it comes to "cinematic masterpieces". I thought Scarface was OK, but it's difficult for me to get too excited about it. Though I'm not crazy about Scarface, that won't keep me from hanging up pictures in my house of Al Pacino as Tony Montana.

Rented Wannabe's one night. I thought it was ok, and it stayed interesting through the whole thing. The points I would deduct would be originality. It seemed to me like "just another mob movie" whereas it didn't have any signature scenes or parts to go by, it seems.

Other than the part where the Angelo guy pees in the guy's coke, that was classic!

"Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so"-Gore Vidal
"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and enemy of growth"-John Fitzgerald Kennedy
"The reason the mainstream is thought of as a stream is because of its shallowness"-George Carlin