How did this turn into a post about me? It was about Salvatore Riina, which Sonny and AppleOnYa know nothing about. I am hating a murderer, and I'm being insulted. Sonny, I hate Riina because he ruined my mother's homeland. I have my reasons. But at least Don Michel has the balls to say where he lives. Unlike you who is scared someone is going to track you down. What a paranoid loser.

I remember KO wanted to have a "Who's Online" feature and you didn't want it cause you wanted privacy.

, what a goof.
Originally posted by Sonny:
I don't think so...sometimes I feel like saying nothing about a certain topic, even if I was asked to comment....and I honestly don't prefer to let people know of my presence unless I have to (when I make posts), I'm not a fan of unsolicited or unavoidable chatting (most of the time).....

Your hilarious. You're that uptight about your privacy to a message board. Geez, you should be a comedian. "I'm bloody scared, that bloody people are going to see what bloody posts I'm looking at. I bloody, dont bloody like bloody it, mate."