Originally posted by Don Cortisone:
Well, I meant, I never noticed anything about the maffia when I was in Italy. And I was wondering if anybody did.

Not that I expect that there are soldiers and capo's handing out business cards on every corner of the street...
Of course i don't know in what places you've been in Italy, but due all the respects, where are your eyes Don Cortisone, in your pocket.

In the first place: Check out the market places, 75 % of the goods they are selling is illegal. Imitation Nike, Lacoste, Dior, Music CD, DVD etc.

For example, in the sigaret store you will pay 25 Euro for ten packs of sigarets, in the market places you will pay only 12 Euro....... how come, smuggling perhaps.

In the second place: Do the same as i did, start your own business over there and you will notice soon.

In the third place: Check out the news on BRT 1 or VTM. Silvio Berlusconi is 100 % Mafia.

More examples to come.

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