Thanks for all the excellent info

Your excellent insights are always appreciated.
Do not worry about your long posts. They are always relevant and concise - I wish I could
say the same about some of my rambling mutterings!!!

It is much appreciated. I got my details about
Harry Grey's real name being David Aaranson
from my my British Film Institute Modern Classics textbook which said
"At the very origins of the project lay an autobiographical book published in 1952, The Hoods by 'Harry Grey' (pseudonym for David Aaranson), which Leone stumbled upon in the late 1960's"

This could of course be completely wrong as could be the internet sites that say the same. I thought that Noodles name was David Aaranson
too - rather than Nathan. As I recall, in the 1968 movie scene in Deborah's theatre - when Max's son makes his first apperance - Deborah says something like
"His name is David, just like yours"
But I haven't seen the movie for a little while
and may be wrong.

On the net there is a real void in information specific to the book - it all seems tied to the film, with the book itself mentioned only in passing. I am sure you can make use of this in your website.

I will take this opportunity to wish you well with your "Italian Americana" website and its English version. Bonne chance!!!!