Originally posted by Wiseguy_1872:
[quote] Originally posted by Don Michel
Racism ain't a pure Mafia kind of thing, most of the Italians are racists.
The above comment that 'most of the Italians are racist' is the kind of sweeping statement that I take issue with.

Of course racism should feature in movies in portraying life accurately,be it in the context of gangsters,wars or whatever.

But in real life racism needs to be challenged. It may form part of a culture, but cultures have to evolve. Life changes.[/QB][/quote]Sorry, but i don't understand what you exactly mean.

I'm a kind of a racist as well but not like the KKK or so. Just don't like people who behave different, it doesn't mean that i hate them, just don't like them. The exeption are gays, i hate gays, but with a good reason. A couple of them raped my stepbrother in the Netherlands.

Contrary to popular belief, Unix is userfriendly. It just happens to be selective about who it makes friends with.