Ok, before I get into my tirade on this one, I want everyone to get a good picture of what my face currently looks like: *eyes get the look Michael's eyes had when Kay said the miscarriage was really an abortion* *PeacenikMafia proceeds to yell her little brains out**** Hell yes racism exists in the mafia!! And hell yes, no matter who does it, it's wrong!!! Actually, some of the stuff I read this evening makes me want to storm right out of here! Why do people get on this bulletin board and then complain about stuff like racism?? We're here because we like certain works of art that relate to members of organized crime rings, not because we take those members as role models!! I'm not denying that there is racism in every group of people-- I'm merely asserting that for every group of people, it's wrong! *checks to see if eyes are still smoldering... good!* If my ancestors had been racist, I wouldn't even be here, being French-Native American-Polish-Scottish. I am what you'd call a "mutt," yet I do not feel any less a human being because of it. And also, there is a distinctive difference between feeling uncomfortable around people who are different and being truly "racist." I honestly could rant about this for hours, but I'll leave it at this: just remember that everyone, everywhere, is ultimately descended from the same microbe.

"And all their love was thinned with money..." ~John Steinbeck