Originally posted by deathkiss:
[quote]Originally posted by Michael Corleone 14:
[b]I've always wondered about that, but I ASSUMED that the mob hated the "coloured". When I found out that it was true I wondered: Why are black people on a mafia board then?
That comment is so absurd! Why is people in the Netherlands on the board. Heck, you're not in the United States and can you relate to how life is in this country? I have formulated an opinion that life in the Netherlands is so homologous that makes it impossible for you persons from different cultures? But as I said before, prejudice begins when one does not understand each other or seeks out sudtle differences as flaws.[/b][/quote]Many people in my country don't like immigrants, a lot of them live on instant wealthcare and ask for unnescesary child support. I dislike those kinda people a lot. But I respect the people who immigrated to this country and have a job and do something for our society. If you say that we don't have problems with rasiscm, you're very mistaking. Last year when Sint Nicolaas (Santa to the americans) was in our country, he brought like he did every year his "Zwarte pieten" those are people who have there faces painted black and give candy and presents to all the littl children. You know what a group of immigrants did? On national TV they treatened The Sint and his servents and yelled at them and trowed candy to them, while little children were watching. That is absurd. I don't hate black people or people who come from Asia or Latin-America, it's just that a lot of bums end up here and give there people a bad name.

"I won't be a man like you." - Michael to Vito, orginal Part II ending