Yes, I saw the show, Lots of fun....Henry is still only great in Henry's own mind. He is riding the mafia wave that the public is in love with..... Getting paid for who he once was. Like an old time baseball or movie star. He thinks he is Ray Liota (sp) in the movie. He likes to flow with that movie image that hollywood has made him out to be.

Didn't you just love that old time gangster who was doing the are all these guys brain dead or what. I know he had been hit with a pipe, but him and Henry put together would only make a one man show!

By the way Henry...why don't you go out an dig up one of your old shoe boxes if you need some money. Interviwer had it are just one big con man.....

"Well, old friend, are you ready to do me this service?"

"I believe in America. America has made my fortune."