Originally posted by Carlo Gambino:
But I agree I feel that anyone of us in his shoes with the power and money would have done the same. Once caught and facing life in prison and the fact that what you once considered friends were trying to have you clipped you would have rolled over on them.
HH knew what he was doing, and that his actions didn't really make Paulie happy. He knew the consequences he would have to face, and still continued. What else did he expect? The possibility of life in prison was real, and if he chose to enter the Family, he signed his life away.
Rat is a rat, no matter how you look at him. Many ppl serve life and do not rat.


Cu scava na fossa ppi so frati, ci cadi dintra iddu.

U pisci fet d'a testa

"Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again." ~Don Corleone

"Don't ever take sides with anyone against the family." ~Michael