Originally posted by Silvia Lombardi:
[quote]Originally posted by Carlo Gambino:
[b]But I agree I feel that anyone of us in his shoes with the power and money would have done the same. Once caught and facing life in prison and the fact that what you once considered friends were trying to have you clipped you would have rolled over on them.
HH knew what he was doing, and that his actions didn't really make Paulie happy. He knew the consequences he would have to face, and still continued. What else did he expect? The possibility of life in prison was real, and if he chose to enter the Family, he signed his life away.
Rat is a rat, no matter how you look at him. Many ppl serve life and do not rat.

SiL[/b][/quote]It's easy for all of us to call him a rat yes he broke "omerta" and he knew the consequences of his actions. But once he was pinched and his paisans tryed to whack him reality set in.

Seems like in the end he was a wimp wanted to enjoy the good life but when it was time to pay for his sins (and eventually everyone of them will) he ran and hid.

All I'm saying is it's easy for many of us to judge him and call him a "rat" but if you were in his shoes you'd probably do anything to stay alive. Sure theres many if you want to say "upstanding" mobsters that do life terms and remain silent John Gotti was a fine example at his time he was powerful and had fear and respect but in the end everyone mocked him and laughed at him once he was brought to justice.
Silvia how long do you think Henry would have lasted in prison? Not long they would of had him whacked inside with in days.

Obviously he's not the brightest guy walking around on tv and running his mouth it is a matter of time before someone whacks Henry. All I'm saying is the mafia isn't what they use to be not like they were back in the old days if they were than Henry and Sammy the Bull wouldn't be alive at this very moment making a spectical of themselves and an embarrassment to the mafia.

"I'm lost in my own little world
but thats ok, they all know me here"