I was probably about 5 or 6 when I found some book or magazine that my father had. (Snooping where I shouldn't have been, of course...I'm curious by nature, what can I say???) Anyway, I remember seeing pictures of people that were just absolutely riddled with bullet holes. I remember seeing pics of Capone, Dutch Schultz, Bugsy Siegel and Meyer Lansky. Of course, I didn't find out for a few years exactly who these guys really were...I just knew they wore cool hats and looked a bit on the dangerous side. Even then I had a thing for bad boys. heheheh. Then I saw The Godfather. Pacino, Caan and Brando...who could resist that??? The whole thing grew into a nearly rabid fascination with the mob and true crime in general. Just got a new book, actually. It's Bill Bonanno's autobiography. Pretty good so far.

Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.