Originally posted by Don Cardi:
Well according to Joe Bonnano, he was kidnapped by Nino Maggadino and his son Peter Maggadino, under the orders of his own cousin Stephano maggdino. However it is believed that he actually faked his own kidnapping to avoid both a subpoena from a federal grand jury, and the wrath of the commission.
I believe that, too. Bonanno's disappearance was just a bit too convenient, just a bit too well timed. And if Magaddino did kidnap him, would he have let him live? :rolleyes:
How did Waxey Gordon get the nickname "Waxey?"
Don Cardi
He started life as a pickpocket, and he was said to be so good at lifting wallets that they seemed to be "coated with wax." (I bet it was really because he never cleaned his ears.

Q. Whose credit card did Bill Bonanno borrow that got him a big prison sentence for wire fraud?