It was terrible the way Kennedy handled the Bay of Pigs invasion. He called off the air strike, allowing hundreds of Cuban-Americans to be slaughtered on the beach. Talk about NOT being a “profile in courage”. Also, the Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the most overblown, media-hyped events of all-time – it was never a crisis. The Soviets would have never launched a missile towards the USA. They knew if they did, their country would be “kaput”. They just wanted to keep Cuba a communist counrty. I also agree he wouldn’t have won reelection in ’64. And the only reason Johnson won was because of Kennedy’s death. Barry Goldwater later said “I might have defeated Kennedy, but I couldn’t defeat his ghost”. This attributed to what was one of the most lopsided elections in history. (Johnson – 44 states, Goldwater – 6 states). How different the United States’ history would’ve been if Goldwater had been president.