well now that your in the conversation and you agreed with apple on JFK maybe i should enlighten you a little bit. For example do you remeber the Vietnam war? well did you know National Security Action Memoranda 263 issued in oct of '63 ordered the first 1000 u.s. troops home by x-mas. Also JFK planned to end ALL U.S. involvement in Vietnam by the end of '64. Thats not all either did you also happen to know that Kennedy started our space program the most successful one the world has ever known? Did you also know that along with his brother Robert and Martin L. King Jr. started the wheels in motion for Civil Rights in America for African Americans. Oh yea did you also know that the Bay of Pigs wich some people blame on Kennedy was in fact a CIA operation started by Eisenhower? And the reason for not providing air cover for the Cubans was because the U.S.S.R. was on its way with Nuclear Weapons. Who do you think prevented that? yea thats right Kennedy and he did this all in under 3 years. So please don't talk like an idiot.

"Take it easy"