Sure that's how you debate, back up opinions with facts. But not once have you done this within this thread. You have made a load of sweeping statements with no proof with them. For example the following quote by you has no facts in it whatsoever, they MAY or MAY not be true. The simple fact is you've provided no proof at all. I don't know anything about Kennedy and it would be nothing short of foolish of me to just believe your comments.

Originally posted by Don'tForgetTheCannolis:
You all really piss me off who think Kennedy was a bad president.
-Kennedy oredered the first 1000 troops home from Vietnam by x-mas '63
-Kennedy planned to have all U.S. involvement in Vietnam to end in '64
-Kennedy started the greatest space program in the world
-Kennedy started the wheels with MLK for Civil Rights among African Americans
-Kennedy saved our country from nuclear war

You want to know why Kennedy didn't want to provide air cover for the Cubans in the bay of pigs? b/c russia was on its way with NUCLEAR WEAPONS? -Your all a bunch of f-ing idiots for speaking our of your ass
Nota Bene, If you ever tried that in an exam you'd fail straight away. And don't say you're not a kid when clearly you are.

Thanks for calling me a bitch.

So die all who betray Giuliano