Originally posted by Don'tForgetTheCannolis:
... need to understand what a debate means. Anyone can just say something but can you back it up.
Except that we didn't enter this thread to conduct a 'debate'. Or at least I didn't. The thread began with a question as to whether JFK's father had ties with a certain organization, as implied by a History Channel documentary (did you happen to see that one, DFTC?).

A few of us replied, and a discussion was underway.

Apparently you WANTED a debate, but were a little freaked when you didn't get one.

Now, sonnyboy, why don't go and start a new topic...'JFK - GREAT PRESIDENT OR NOT?' Include a poll to make it official, then ask people to state their reasons as to why they voted one way or the other.

Then, you'll have yourself a debate.

And I'll be back at the NEVERENDING SENTENCE thread because you've become a colossal bore, one of the endless stream of kidneystones in the world of the BB Gangster Board.

You too shall pass.


A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.