Originally posted by Don'tForgetTheCannolis:
... need to understand what a debate means. Anyone can just say something but can you back it up.
Except that we didn't enter this thread to conduct a 'debate'. Or at least I didn't. The thread began with a question as to whether JFK's father had ties with a certain organization, as implied by a History Channel documentary (did you happen to see that one, DFTC?).
A few of us replied, and a discussion was underway.
Apparently you WANTED a debate, but were a little freaked when you didn't get one.
Now, sonnyboy, why don't go and start a new topic...'JFK - GREAT PRESIDENT OR NOT?' Include a poll to make it official, then ask people to state their reasons as to why they voted one way or the other.
Then, you'll have yourself a debate.
And I'll be back at the NEVERENDING SENTENCE thread because you've become a colossal bore, one of the endless stream of kidneystones in the world of the BB Gangster Board.
You too shall pass.