This is a tough question and it has been asked over and over again. I dont know what I would say.Probably yes because it probably pays good money, if your loyal you get good benifits, and its relitivly safe from the law. Granted you can never be safe from the law when you get paid to break it, but you got a lot of smart guys figuring out ways not to get caught. But I really want to be an actor, and being in the mob can get in the way of that. They might not like if you leave the organization to act, escpeially if you know anything. Theres a possibility you can die, and then never really have a chance to be an actor. Although it would be kind of humbling (thats not the right word) if a capo asked you to join his crew, because they dont ask just anyone.

If winners never lose, well, then a loser sure can sing the blues.