Originally posted by Don Cardi:
[quote]Originally posted by scarfacetm:
[b] Billy Batts is only an alias used for the sake of the book and movie, the basis for that character was Ronald Jerrothe
With all due respect, and out of pure curiosity, where did you read or learn that Billy Batts' real name was Ronald Jerrothe? I am sincerely curious to know.
According to several books that I have read and from some research that I've done, Billy Batts' real name was William Devino.
Don Cardi

[/b][/quote]I'd also be interested to know. In "Mob Star," Capeci's excellent book on Gotti, he never mentions or identifies identifies Billy Batts (though he refers to Foxy), but does cover a William Battista, a bookie who disappeared, as Billy Batts was supposed to. But Capeci thinks Battista might have been an informant.