Originally posted by Don Pappo Napolitano:
[quote]Originally posted by Enzo Scifo:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Geovanni-Martino:
[b] you dont see a mafia member killing innocent people
I don't think that's true. They also killed numerous politicians, people in the financial world, other criminals, regular people, ... And what to think of all the bystanders who were hit by bullets or explosions that were meant for somebody else. Imagine walking on a street, a mafioso crosses you, and just at that moment, other mafiosi try to shoot the first guy. They kill him, but unfortunately they also kill you.
Those things happened a lot... [/b][/quote]Cops, soldiers, SWAT or FBI agents could kill bystanders too. [/b][/quote]Yes, you're right but: If Cops shoot they have a legit reason for it, example: they try to save other people. Mafiosi have no good intensions when they go shooting..its illegal..

'This was just another Bronx tale.'