Originally posted by Don Pappo Napolitano:
[quote]Originally posted by Peter_Clemenza:
[b] I respect him for that.
I thought you told me they don`t deserve respect for any reason at all

[/b][/quote]Pappo, you need to learn to differenciate between discussing something in regards to within the mob life, and discussing something outside of the mob life.
I am sure that while Peter_Clemenza said "I respect him for that," he was talking within the parameters of being in the mob. It was, in his opinion, a respectful thing, if you are talking about doing something within the underworld and it's so called rules of honor.
Outside of thinking within the world of the mob, I am sure that Peter_Clemenza does not respect them as people. I think that he was talking in the context of one living within that life.
Salerno is to be respected for living up to his oath and following orders, but only looking at it from the point of veiw from within Mob life parameters.
Don Cardi