Money can't buy anything.Power can!I think that the best in the Real Mafia is Power.You can do anything with relayable connections and loyal 'friends'.Nothing can stop you if you live in a small world that is absolutely controlled by you.You can not control America,but smaller countries like mine "Bulgaria" are not so complicated,and if you have brains you can do much.Some years ago there were a school of fighters (i mean sport fighting).Most of them became small time gangsters(car hijacking,recketing,pickpocketing and so on).After some time some of them made companies for insuransies,some made gambling business,but all of them were in narcotics.Some years ago they understood that narcotics is very dangerous(most of them were already killed or caught),and there were pretty few left.Some years ago the were trying to legalise everything but you can't get out so 2 years most of them were precisly killed.Now there are very few left maybe 2 or 3.The most powerful died because he was too public-newspapers,he owned a soccer team and so on.But the most powerful now(lets call him V.B.) ownes the gambling and much more.He has more power in BG than adybody else just because he buys everyone-preseident,ministers and totally everyone.That's the best explanaiton why BG is not in the European Union-there can't be a guy powerful than the system,than the law.If we get in EU he will lose much of his power over the politics.
I gave this for an example for what i meant with this"It's impossible to controll the world ,but the mafiozzi want to controll a small world of their's" just like now V.B. controlls everything in BG.

P.S:Sory for the bad english.

Control the world,instead of letting it to control you.