Sure there are parts and scenes in Part III that make fans want to kill themselves, but I think that once the movie evolves, it grabs a hold of you and makes you forget about the bad scenes.

Whenever I watch Part III the earlier scenes always make me cringe.

But then when I am at the opera scene, and the end scene, I totally forget about the earlier ones and I am in love with Part III all over again.

I'm finding with writing my own Part IV script that Vincent isn't that interesting a character - at least what we got of him from Part III. Sure he's got a temper like his old man, but beyond that, there isn't much. I have gotten into the habit of writing him like he's Michael, which I think is the way we saw him at the end of Part III.

But that isn't right.

Making Vincent into an even BETTER character than he was in Part III is the key to any Part IV script that takes place after the events in Part III.