Originally posted by trinacria:
ricardo you're rockin!

I forgot that aspanu was assasinated in '53! I bought a book while in sicily last summer that explains the entire giuliano/gaspare bandit heroics. Aspanu had a cousin salvatore lombardo, that swore vengeance and disappeared somewhere in north africa. I think that with a new GF we would need to keep his other stories seperate. Cancel what I said about aspanu and plug in lombardo. Now we have something interesting. Libya and Algeria are two of the most oil rich nations in the world, but as the league of nations are set up, Q'daffi is on the outside looking in. Perhaps lombardo (de niro) has been running an oil/terrorist syndicate for years and been pulling the strings in Sicily and he was the one exacting his revenge on the Corleone cosca. The GF trilogy stories were all based on current,real characters and current events, he just changed the names. As for the rape and an illegitimate son I had mentioned earlier it was fiction, so we could get a reason to use De Niro again, let's face it, he would be perfect again! Of course, I am just rambling now.
The REAL GIuliano had a cousin named Gaspare Lombardo?

I think a plot about oil would be about as entertainign as Immobilare in GF3

What about Don Messina's nephew the Brazilian Biologist is murdered. No one knows why, his son sets out to avenge his father, and finds out that Turi Giuliano Junior is avenging his father's betrayors?

Turi Giuliano Junior/Cross De lena/Astorre Viola/Vincent Mancini vs. Messina Junior/Santadio Junior/Bruno Portella/Lupo Donkey