O.K. Herre is Act II. This will be all for today. Maybe I will post the next one. between sunday and wednesay.
Enjoy and give m=me your opinions!

ACT II: 1927-1929

In a sunny Monday day, Vito Corleone and his wife Carmella celebrated their fifteen years of marriage. To the party came friends, family and associates. Vito, Carmella and their kids were celebrating in a ball room. The Abbandandos were there; Peter Clemenza, his wife and son; Sal Tessio and his family; Thomas Hagen Sr. And his son, Tom. Tom Hagen was a friend of Sonny's and his father was a good friend of Vito's.
In another table, Hyman Rothstein sat with his brother Samuel and his friends Gian Alfredo Olaneso and Moses Elias Greenebaum. Rothstein managed a gaming place with his brother Sam. Olaneso was a half Sicilian, half Jewish twenty-year older who collected the bets. Greenebaum was half Jewish, half Sicilian boy too who had a good mind for bet dealings.
Rothstein was talking with them. Sam, Olaneso and Greenebaum wanted to join the Oil Business of Vito's. Rothstein was going to talk with Vito.
Vito gave a brindis. Carmine Coppola played for Vito who remembered his father. Then, one of Clemenza's Lieutenants, Francesco Pentangeli, singed and danced for Vito along with Clemenza. Carmella sang.
Vito talked a moment with Clemenza, Tessio and Genco about business. Tessio says that some guys wanted to talk with Vito about an offer with the company's trucks. Vito said to Genco that he should arrange a meeting for the next two days.
Clemenza then said that Rothstein wanted to talk with Vito. Vito accepted. Rothstein asked Vito about admitting Sam, Olaneso and Greenenbaum more directly. Vito smiled and said that they had a job and that they will present themselves in the Genco offices in two days.
The Rothstein brothers, Olaneso and Greenebaum were happy.
Thomas Hagen Sr. Came with Vito and asked him for his protection. The Irish Gangs of Seamus Fitzpatrick and the McBurn's brothers were joining up with some Italian rogues. The Gangs were bitter for the Corleone power and knowing about Hagen's friendship with Vito they could kill him. Vito promised his friend that he would help him.
When the party was over, Vito and his family had a small party in the house.
Two days later, Vito, Clemenza, Tessio, Genco and Pentangeli sat at the entrance of the porch. Rothstein was inside the offices. Connie was playing with Fredo and two Abbandando girls at the sidewalk. Santino Corleone, Thomas Hagen Jr., Michael and six-year-old Augustus Corleone were sitting in a bench near the adults.
Pentangeli holded an history book while he discussed about creating a organization based upon the Roman Empire. Young Tom, Michael and Gaetano were interested, but Sonny wasn't that much, a thing that annoyed Vito.
Pentangeli told him about the Capos and the Regimes. Vito was highly interested and said that he would arrange that at once.
Gatano talked a little with Pentangeli about Roman History until Clemenza brought the affair of the Rothsteins and his friends. Pentangel---who had not being informed---protested angrily calling the Rothstein gang “A bunch of fucking Jews!” Vito shut him.
Then, two cars arrive at the office. Seven men appeared. One of the men was Joe Masseria. The other men were his partners.
Masseria make his offer: He wanted at least six of his importation trucks to smuggle mollases from Canada. Although Masseria used an intimadating tone, Vito eagerly accepted. He said that he would give some of his men to help. The men were going to be the Rothsteins, Olaneso, Greenebaum and Pentangeli for the job.

January, 1928. Weeks after the Anniversary , Santino came with young Hagen. Sonny said to his father that Hagen's mother had died and his father had disspeared after a night on a bar. His sister was taken away. Vito---moved by the affair---sended Tessio for information. Tom Hagen Sr. Was founded under a bridge, with a shot between the ear and the eye.
Tom stayed with the Corleones. Vito searched for Tom's sister but she had being already adopted. Later, Vito knew that the dead of Hagen was caused by a man of McBurn. A day later, one of the McBurn brothers---Logan---was shot to dead near an alcohol depot. The McBurns' tought of this as a robbing. McBurn's pocket were empty.

1930. The same week, Salvatore Maranzano talked to Vito about business. Maranzano wanted Vito to join him. Maranzano said that Masseria's ways were disorganized and primitive.
Vito said that he had an arrangement with Masseria and he couldn't broke it. Maranzano left the office, angry.

A week later, The Corleones were in Carson City, at the invitation of a contact in there, to celebrate New Year. They met Counselor Geary, the Woltz brothers---Jack and Arnold---who were creating a movie studio. Vito talked with Anthony Molinari and Frank Falcone, the men who ruled the West Coast. Vito met Joseph Zaluchi---who was playing drink gmaes with Clemenza---, Carlo Tramonti, Fernando Marianno and Vincent Forlenza, both who were talking with Genco and Tessio. Vito, Genco and the Capos were surprised to known that Zaluchi, Tramonti and Forlenza were capos in Michigan, Cleveland and Boston to Maranzano. They were also interested that the Capone's capos were close associates to Maranzano.
But Zaluchi, Tramonti and Forlenza were reliable people and didn't showed signs of rivaltry.
At 3:30 A.M. Something happened. Vito was summoned to speak to Marianno as an invitation in his suite. Vito went accompanied by Greenebaum and Sam Rothstein. He told them to stay outside.
At the same time, Pentangeli was playing cards with Clemenza, Tessio, Abbandando, Hyman and three men who worked as bodyguards for Marianno in a bar a block away. Two of the men said that they would leave the game. The other man did not.
Finally, Pentangeli won the card game but the bodyguard refused to pair.
At the same time, Vito was beated by three men. They took a garrote, but at the same time, Sam and Greenebaum burst in the door and shot two men. The other one tried to escape but was wounded in a leg.
In the bar, the men heared the gunshots and ran to the hotel, knowing that Vito was there.
The bodyguard tried to escape from the group but was shot in the street by Frankie.
Vito was alive. They interrogated the surviving bodyguard. Maranzano had send him. Pentangeli killed the bodyguard right away.
When they returned to New York, they saw with horror how the major olive oil storage in the city owned by Vito was being burning.
They killed the fire, but Masseria's pathetic ways of security were a dissapointment to Vito.
In1931, the Castellamarense war began.