Originally posted by consiGliera:
i´m not at all sure how serious your suGGestions were (McCluskey as a hottie?! haley joel osment?! >I see mob people....<), but otherwise, nice topic, always waited for it to pop up somewhere.

i´ll make two tries: I always thouGht Joaquin Phoenix would be nice to play either Mike or Sonny in younG aGe. He´s Got the coldness, but he also has this violent twitch on him, he could maybe do it. althouGh Pacino & Caan are of course irresistible. but before we settle with Leo....
and I fiGure that Edward Norton miGht be a neat choice to play a younG Tom HaGen. He has the intelliGent, he has this streak of intellectualism, plus he´s credible at beinG cunninG. i think.
that´s it. sorry i mocked you for your castinG choices montauk, i didn´t mean it.
I see your point, G-lady; but I'm only going by the speculation that IV would cover the period when Vito rises to power in NYC, after cornering the olive oil trade, up to somewhere before Connie meets Carlo. At this point Tom Hagen is a street urchin with bad eyes, thus Haley Joel as opposed to Ed. As far as Pitt, keep in mind that Sterling Hayden struck a bella figura when he was younger. But, OK, you don't like Brad; what about John C. Reilly?

Also, Al Pacino already played Mike at a young age; someone much younger would have to play him much younger, and in this period Mikey was much younger, as was Connie and Fredo.

To answer a question posed by another poster, I definitely think that Tattaglia and Barzini would be present; they didn't just pop up out of nowhere, and we need to see how the Corleone-Tattaglia rivalry originated. McCluskey I can see looming somewhere in this period given the Corleone's dealings with the police department, Sollozzo wouldn't register though.

Others that I'm still pondering:

John Turturro: Frank Pentangeli
Mike Badalucco: Pete Clemenza
Sam Rockwell: Willie Cicci
Kevin Pollak: Hyman Roth (this is a tough one)


We might be able to tape the gun behind it.