While many people have still have hatred and disappointment with GFIII, time has been very good to that movie. so much so that a fourth Godfather could be a financial success. Part III actually has become quite the little movie that could in terms of rentals, and with the age of people collecting all Oscar Best Picture nominees, it was certainly a big selling point for people to get the DVD package when they most certainly had the first two on VHS.

Part IV could work, but it shouldnt be made. there is really no point. Even as recent as two months ago, i would say yes it will be made, but i truly dont think so. there has been zero buzz for "Godfather Returns/Part IV", FFC has no interest in filming the movie and neither does Sofia Coppola. Mario Puzo is dead. Mary Corleone is 'dead', and Michael is 'dead'.

Let the trilogy stay as it is. The greatest series of movies EVER.
Word life...