Every time I try to get out I get sucked back in.

Ok...if we must, it should follow the formula of the other films...starting with a religious event and the socializing afterwords.

Opening Scene ... Mary's Funeral.... The priest is delivering the Eulogy during which time he explains that the body has been brought "home" to New York where she will be buried...as the eulogy goes on the camera shows the faces of the family, and it also shows us the new characters to whom we will be introduced sitting in the church. We then see her interrment at the site of Vito's tomb, while we are still hearing the voiceover of the eulogy.

Cut to: A very somber "reception" at Michael's apartment. Micheal and Kay are again estranged, but she is there as is Connie, VIncent etc.

It is Vincent who is doing the behind the scenes dealing ...he will need a new consigliere...and through this we are introduced to various people who are offering to help Vincent maintain control of Immobiliare, and in the group of course is an unknown enemy...it should probably be someone who is advising Vincent that the family could become legitimate by selling off its shares, and that a meeting can be arranged to have this done. Vincent agrees to go to the meeteing where...

THERE IS A Failed HIT ATTEMPT ON VINCENT... the twist is that as insurance "they" have kidnapped Anthony and are holding him hostage promising to let him go only if Vincent agrees not to go to the mattresses AND sell Immobiliare at a huge loss.

more to come....anyone who wants to pick this plot line up may do so//

"Io sono stanco, sono imbigliato, and I wan't everyone here to know, there ain't gonna be no trouble from me..Don Corleone..Cicc' a port!"

"I stood in the courtroom like a fool."

"I am Constanza: Lord of the idiots."