is this your idea cause i seen this exact story line about 6 months ago in another thread!
Yes, that was my idea. I was e-mailing another poster here and we came out with this general plot-line.

I thought Michael wanted his son into the business. I really dont like the ending but it sounds good. The door geting shut in his face wouldn't be godfatherish because the hole trilogy is about him and it would be stupid in the last movie to have him look stupid and weak.
Not really. Michael wanted Tony to be a lawyer (I think) and maybe wanted him to be involved with the legitimate aspect of the family, but Tony wanted to be a singer, which Michael objected to. But in my storyline, Tony becomes involved with the dirty side of the family business, something that Michael never wanted for his son.

As for the ending, it might be a little contrived, but it would be the final nail in the coffin. I've heard other people's ideas with Michael and Vincent teaming up to seek revenge on all of the family's enemies who are still alive. I don't think Michael has it in him. After Mary's death he has had enough with blooshed and violence. This ending would signify his total seperation from the family business. And who knows, maybe having the door shut in his face is OK with Michael. Maybe he wouldn't take it as an insult. The scene could shed new light on Michael's character instead of just echoing the scene at the end of Part I.