Originally posted by Luciano Fanucci:
[quote]Originally posted by Peter_Clemenza:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by Toni_corleone:
[b] Hey wasn't smart smart but he was street smart and had alot of experience.
In my opinion, "street smarts" simply aren't enough to be Boss of one of the five most powerful Families in New York and the entire United States of America. [/b][/quote]Uh huh, you need to be able to predict what your enemy is thinking, knwo there weakness and strike when they least expect it, thats just one element needed to be A boss. [/b][/quote]I think he would make an OK Don but not that great of one I think the next Don would have to be another Clemenza I don't think it would be anyone realted to Tessio though.

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