Originally posted by DonGenco:
Oh, well I thought that the other guys called him Don Corleone. But you could be right, Don Cardi.
And about the whole Paulie thing. The called him Paulie? Well, I would thing that that was a little disrespectful-I don't know maybe I've been watching to much of The Godfather lately.
The quote that I posted is directly from GFIII script and upon reading it I now remember the scene very well. As for Big Paul Castellano, I believe that it was by HIS choice that he NOT be called Don Castellano. He was from a different mold than the old timers. Big Paul was more of the business mind, and wanted his family to be run like a legitimate business. He wanted to be known as a businessman! He and his bodyguard did not even carry guns. It was this very attitude that resulted in his downfall as the people under him did not agree to his theory that they should run things like a legitimate business. He also was a hypocrite as even though he felt that way, he still took his "share" of what the people under him earned, no matter how they earned it. But he did NOT like any one of his people portraying an image of a gangster/street guy over the image of a legitimate businessman. To make matters worse was that by Big Paul having the "business"man's attitude, many other families started to move in on the action of Big Paul's people that were under him, and instead of fighting them the Cosa Nostra way, he sat down and negotiated with them, without consulting the people under him who were being affected, and made "business" deals allowing the outsiders to take a piece of the action, cutting in on the profits of those under him and at the same time still taking the exact share that he took before! So in a nutshell the guy wanted to run things like a businessman and did NOT want to be known or reffered to as Don Castellano!
Don Cardi