Originally posted by Wiseguy_1872:
My favourite is in Season 2 when Paulie gets spooked about what Chris Moltianti sees in hell/purgatory and his girlfriend suggests a psychic. That guy was so spooky it was great - superb acting. Those mad eyes as he talked to Paulie's first hit across the room. And Paulie just panics shouts "F****** weirdos' and throws a chair across the room. What was even funnier was when he complains to his local preist. Because Paulie was paying for lots of church improvements over the years
" I should have had immunity from this shit"!
Classic, Wise Guy, classic That would get my vote as the funniest, for sure! (Second would be the poison ivy thing in Mikey P.'s hit!)

I've only seen the first 2 seasons, so I'm a little unqualified to give an accurate assessment. But I'd have to say my favorite scene thus far is:
When Janice pops a cap in Richie Aprile. Man! That was so shocking the first time I saw it, and made me feel so friggin' great! The look on Richie's face after that first shot said it all!

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)